We are grateful to have you here and joining us in this mission & journey. 🐾

If you have ever loved a dog, especially a soul/heart dog, then you know the pain that we feel. After a courageous roughly seven month battle with canine Lymphoma, we lost his physical presence. It has been an unbearable time, but as the days go on, I have been able to transform a part of my grief and love into this amazing group.
Petey was a warrior. A strong, yet sweet boy to his very core. I was blessed to have 12 years with him, although it never feels like enough time. Through those years I have learned that I have so much love in my heart to give. Roughly 10 of those years that we spent together we spent fostering other dogs in need. While I have the softest spot for adults and seniors, Petey never really cared much what walked in the door. I would say (minus actually counting) we fostered somewhere between 30-40 dogs of all ages. He was the most amazing foster brother I could have ever asked for. And in being that, he completely opened my eyes to the joy and need that is fostering. If it weren't for someone who opened their home for him as a baby, we never would have found each other.

A complete and total gem. We went through CGC & TDI training in his younger years under the guidance and support of Cydney Cross, an angel in herself. He took his nursing home/rehab therapy duties very seriously and loved the time he spent there! I will forever be grateful for Cyd for a multitude of reasons but I can honestly say that I would not be in this position now if it weren't for her. And I truly believe she is smiling down on us today, with my boy and so many other four-pawed angels, by her side.
Cydney was more than a friend. She was a mentor, teacher, and guiding light. Ever supportive and forever grateful, we would spend hours in the middle of the night chatting, a lot of learning on my end, because she knew I would be up. I learned about rescue, dog behavior, training, and how to be thankful for everything! Tomorrow is certainly not promised and the works needs more kindness, no matter how challenging it can be sometimes.
That's what makes dogs so amazing. Their dedication, loyalty, and unwavering love gives us a reason to wake up every morning. We sure could learn a thing or two from them in that regard.

Love and remembrance brings us here. We will use the guidance and teachings of those we don't have here in physical form with us, to continue on. We will pass along their messages and use it to try and make the world a better place for dogs and humans alike. Every human deserves the kind of love and connection that I had/have with my boy, Petey. And every dog deserves that same love and devotion from their human(s).
Our mission is to work on rehoming and creating those matches, putting those perfect dog and human heart puzzle pieces together so they fit perfectly. And make life a better place.
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What a great post, this post is something I now worship. ❤️